Weekly – had all from all, anticipation for next week

So, “weekly” is here because I'm going to try to write a small week summarize every..... week. Not something very long like I usually do, it is supposed to be short. It will not replace my other, unregular, usually rant, long posts.

This week I had from everything. In terms of physical comfort, emotional ride, and social interactions.

Sunday + Monday we worked from home. It was comfortable. I brought my work laptop home and it was easier to work on it and focus. And I actually worked some. Tuesday was a regular day in all aspects, until quite the end, where I was to be informed that the good things will once again not come for me, in a totally infair way. Wednsday (not gonna try spelling this day) I felt bad, and didn't even hide it. people saw it on me. Tuesday night I went to sleep quite late, and unloaded my emotions to a friend. It helped. I'm glad I have him in my life. Towards the end of 4day I felt better, and noticed it.

Today was going back to a certian normal, and some talks and preperations for next week, in terms of work. there's gonna be some important and stressful meetings.

For friday and saturday, guess I'll read. talk. nothing special. now, heading for the rent in a different post.